
Official Tours by certified Guides in and around Salzburg


Share the festive mood of our beautiful city with us, and enjoy the fascinating countryside of the province of Salzburg.

The online database of all active Austrian tourist guides

By networking with the platform, the Fachgruppe der Freizeit- und Sportbetriebe offers a service that helps you to find one of the many officially approved austriaguides.

The offer can be filtered according to your individual wishes by state, language and leadership.

About our Services

Training from a native’s perspective makes it possible to embark on an adventurous trip through our city with us. Our creativity is practically unlimited! We fulfil your expectations through personal and entertaining tours!

Discover the hidden treasures of this World Heritage site, and find out more about the city’s past and present!

Licensed Guides

Commercially independent tourist guides exercise a regulated trade. They must pass a rigorous certificate of proficiency issued by a state examination. So they know Austria like no other.

officially approved

The self employed tourist guide operates a regular business, conforming to the guidelines from §§ 94 Z. 21 and 108 GewO 1994. This must be earned upon passing a strict and officially approved examination which verifies the proof of ability.

Your Salzburg guide on


Fairtours stands for quality, fairness for guests and inhabitants of Salzburg, Fairtours stands for a respectful way of dealing with capabilities.

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Inez Reichl-de Hoogh

Licensed Austriaguide and spokesperson of Salzburg’s tourist guides in the chamber of commerce